Commercial Sales Portal


Cutimed Skin Care


Category: Traditional wound care
Product manager: Julie Cummings

A range of cream mousse moisturisers with urea for different skin conditions.

Unique Selling Points

Comes in three different urea strengths:
3% for daily skin care, to maintain healthy skin
5% to treat dry skin
10% for very dry or calloused skin
- Unique foam formulation ensures rapid absorption into the skin
- No greasy residue, will not clog pores
- Foam goes a lot further, big cost benefits (refer to data on file cskcvtr_0809.doc)
- Lanonlin free so can be used by women who wear acrylic nails (only relevant when talking to beauticians!!!!)

Features and Benefits

Rapidly absorbed by the skin without leaving a greasy residue
- No sticking to clothes or compression hosiery
- Vastly reduced ‘wait time’ after application so patients can get dressed or apply compression hosiery much quicker

Highly-effective hydration
- Urea helps to re-balances the skin’s moisture content regardless of how dry, cracked or stressed it may be
- Reduces itchiness

No clogging or pores
- Skin can breathe properly
- Oil in water formulation with urea that helps the skin retain moisture, without clogging pores or being greasy.

A little goes a very long way
- Same number of applications as per competitors 250ml bottle (due to the volumising effect of the mousse)
- Very cost effective


Many – but the main ones would be:
E45, Diprobase, Doublebase, Eucerin, Callusan, 50:50 cream.


The Cutimed Skin Care range is suitable to help maintain healthy skin or treat areas of dry to very dry skin.
- Use as part of your daily routine to look after you skin all over the body (except face)
3% for daily skin care, to maintain healthy skin
5% to treat dry skin
10% for very dry or calloused skin
- Good for elderly skin because as we get older, we loose more moisture from our skin, less collagen is produced and the skin becomes thinner, we are more at risk of skin tears
- Dry, cracked and calloused skin e.g. feet and heels (10% only)
- Dry skin under compression hosiery – excellent for giving relief to the mechanical stress caused by wearing tight compression garments

Areas the sales team focus on
Three main selling areas

- Synergy with compression therapy as patients who wear compression garments tend to suffer from dry skin
- Much reduced wait time before donning garments due to non greasy formulation
- Ease of use / application
- Does not degrade latex fibres in garmets
- Less itchiness
- 10% for very dry skin
- Patient compliance high with this product
- Easy for patients to apply to the feet as it’s absorbed quickly into the skin
- Light, non greasy formulation (water based product)
- Different strengths of urea can be used for different skin types
- Can use 3% as prevention – to maintain healthy skin
- 5% and 10% for dry and very dry skin conditions
- Can then reduce to weaker urea strengths as skin improves
- Helps to reduce TEWL
- Can be used for children


Not for use on the face: Body only.


Description Size Nart Unit Of Isue PIP Code
3% Urea 125ml 72641-00 1/24 346-4393
5% Urea 125ml 72641-03 1/24 346-4351
5% Urea 40ml 72641-19 1/30 346-7377
10% Urea 125ml 72641-06 1/24 346-4369



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